Hey friends, we're back again with a very exciting update! 

Shane will be graduating from Columbia this May with his MBA and will then be returning to his career as a consultant. With this milestone and for a handful of other reasons that we will get into below, we are so excited to announce that we will be moving home to Minneapolis when we return from our European honeymoon in early July!  

While we have loved our time in New York, we miss the things closest to our hearts: our families, our friends, nature and a more relaxed pace of life. Over the last year we started to realize that we are not living our best life here in New York, and neither is Barley. In New York people live to work but we have come to the realization that we want to work to live. Taylor is leaving his job in fashion as a photographer and modeling agent. While he loved the creative outlet that his career offered, he found himself overcome by a lingering desire to make a more meaningful difference in the world. With this realization, Taylor has made the decision to adjust career paths and take on new challenges. Taylor will always stay true to the his passions: photography, design, fashion and helping others, but he found through his time in New York how important his passion of helping others has become.


Right now there are still so many unknowns for us. We don't know where we are going to live, we don't have a car and Taylor doesn't have a job lined up, but what we do know is that Minneapolis is exactly where we want to be. Yes, the winters are so so so cold and there are definitely areas that Minneapolis will lack in comparison to New York, but we are confident and so completely sure of the decision we have made together. 

So, now you all know — WE'RE HEADING HOME! 

We cannot wait to reconnect with everyone back home that we’ve missed dearly over the last 2.5 years. We’re excited for long walks through the woods, summer evenings on the pontoon boat at the cabin, as well as rebecoming locals at all of our favorite breweries and dive bars in MSP. Lastly, we want to thank everyone who has made our New York experience all that it was. We have made lifelong friendships and want everyone in New York to know how much we really appreciate the hand that they have played in making the last two years everything that they were for us! 

So New York, this is not goodbye, this is see you later...


Shane + Taylor

Taylor O'Brien